Active InSite Customer Reviews

Reviews from our clients.

Ron & Jose

Owners: Exclusive Auto Repair
Santa Fe, NM

"Installed Our Security Camera Alarm System"

David installed a security camera system with a siren that keeps vandals away from our fenced parking lot. He always responds quickly to our needs and routinely checks to see if we have any technical issues or questions.

Susan & Lee MacLeod

Santa Fe, NM

"Fixed Our Gate Entrance Keypad"

David was able to replace the failed gate entry keypad to our gated community. He upgraded the entry box so we could easily enter new homeowners into the HOA keypad database.

Sharon Newcomb

Owner: Top Dog Pet Resort
Santa Fe, NM

"Replaced Our Surveillance Camera System"

Upgraded our camera system with iphone access and remote monitoring. We always know when someone arrives as our front door camera rings a bell throughout the building.